To all the moms out there, on this mother’s day celebration, I want to first and foremost wish you a Happy Mother’s Day! Also, you probably don’t hear this very often because it gets easily overlooked, but today I’m here to remind you: Dear mom, you rock! For everything you do for your child or children, for your love and nurturing, for the sacrifices of motherhood and the obstacles that you overcame, for the strength that’s in you that you never thought you had! Sometimes you first discover that strength when your child seems to be in danger and the mama bear in you comes out as a defensive mechanism to protect them. Mom, you are blessed and again, you rock!

Happy Mother’s Day Mom! You Rock!

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

On this day of celebration, I want to share this scripture with you from Proverbs 22:6-Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Children are blessings from God. As moms, we do everything in our power to raise our children well and to give them the best that we can offer, but we have to remember we don’t have control over everything. Therefore it is important to:

  • Raise them according to the Word of God.
  • Always pray for them, over them, and with them.
  • Prophesy good things over their future according to scripture.
  • Never speak negativity over them!
Raise your children according to the Word of God!

Motherhood is beautiful but sometimes can be very challenging, especially when you don’t have a sound support system. Whether you are a stay-at-home or a working mom, sometimes having just a bit of support from your spouse or parents can make a lot of difference. As moms, we sometimes tend to neglect ourselves because sometimes we get overwhelmed; we always make sure that our children are taken care of, the house, our spouse, and more, but we forget to take care of ourselves.

It is essential that, as moms, from time to time, we practice self-care! Doing that does not make you selfish if that’s what you are thinking. It is healthy for you. Everyone manages stress differently, and I’ve found in my line of work as a Registered Nurse that, for some, too much stress can negatively affect your mental health. And when you are not feeling 100%, your household will be affected. Self-care not only helps you but your household and the people around you. When you are feeling swamped, take a step back, and ask your support system whether it be your spouse or parents to watch the kids for a couple of hours and do something that’ll help you relax, such as:

  • Going for a walk
  • Listening to soothing music
  • Getting some rest
  • Getting a massage
  • Dressing up and going shopping!
  • Doing what it is that helps you, and that is also healthy for you.

Your mood, your children, spouse, and the people in your surroundings will thank you! Remember taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your children. When you take care of yourself, you will be better at taking care of them. Thanks mom for everything that you do. You are loved and appreciated! May God bless you and keep you. May God’s protection and blessings rest upon you and your family. And mom, once again I just want to say: YOU ROCK!