Many times, it is important to finish what you once started. You may have had an idea, a goal, or a project that you started working on, but somehow during the journey, life happened, and you paused. It is ok sometimes to slow down or take a break depending on your current situation, but after that has been resolved, get back on your feet and pick up where you left off. Make changes or adjustments to your plan if you have to, but do not give up. Do not let it go to waste. You would never know what could have been if you never got to the finished product. As many of you already know, life has many curves, sometimes unpredictable but use them as a stepping stone rather than obstacles.

Key Elements to watch out for:
- Avoid Procrastination (according to Wikipedia, this is the action of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing there will be negative consequences for doing so.)
- Never let your insecurities paralyze you into thinking you cannot do it. Remember, you are not alone; let God be your guide; He will guide you and make provisions along the way. But you have to do your part so that God can do His. You say you’re waiting on God, but God is waiting on you! Give Him something to bless. You want to finish your degree, do your research and apply. If you want to write that book, research how you can start and get to writing! And whatever else you want to do, pray but then step out and get to work as The Lord guides you.
- Never let discouragement get the best of you. Discouragement will come to knock you down but rule over it.
- Beware of distractions. This may come in different forms.
- Work on Self-Discipline.
- Work on time-Management. Manage your time wisely. Be careful when working on many projects at the same time. Not saying this cannot be done, but sometimes we move from project to project without finishing the previous one, and next thing you know, we’re working on a million unfinished projects. Not only can this be time-consuming, but it’s also not effective. You can be busy, but you’re not being effective. Therefore, before you move to the next one, try to finish the ones you started, bring them to completion, and build from there.
- Always get back up after your failures. Failure is part of the journey, but it’s not your destination. Brush yourself back up and keep going.
- Accountability. It’s always good to have someone to keep you accountable.
Always remember, the journey to accomplishing your goals or dream or the path to success is usually not easy, but it is also not impossible. However, it requires determination, motivation, dedication, discipline, and consistency besides trusting God to lead and guide you. Whatever you do, do not give up. Keep going and remember it doesn’t matter how slow you go but just don’t stop. Even if you fail a few times, never stop trying because one day you will see the fruits!

Diana Chariot
July 25, 2022 10:00 PMI couldn’t agree more! Such an inspirational post sis! I totally agree we must finish what we started. Its such a timely topic for me. Procrastination is the enemy of success and progress.