Sandra's Blog

Posts filed under: Faith

Finish What You Started

Many times, it is important to finish what you once started. You may have had an idea, a goal, or a project that you started working on, but somehow during the journey, life happened, and you paused. It is ok sometimes to slow down or take a break depending on...

Do not despise small beginnings!

Many of us have big dreams, which is fantastic, but we must remember something that may sound very cliché but yet essential and biblical. You may be asking: What is it, Sandra? It is nothing but this: DO NOT DESPISE SMALL BEGINNINGS! What do I mean by that? I mean...

The Release

This is the day that The Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! Today (Sunday May 1st, 2022) is a very special day for me. It’s the day I finally get to release this thought, this idea, this vision that has been boiling in my spirit...

Welcome to the Faith Section!

Every topics pertaining to Faith, Christianity will be posted under this tab! Stay Tuned!...